Alex Pope
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Porchetta is a savory, fatty and moist boneless pork roast of Italian culinary tradition. The body of the pig is gutted (skin retained), then de-boned, arranged carefully with layers of stuffing and/ or seasonings, rolled and spitted or roasted. Porchetta is usually heavily salted in addition to being stuffed with garlic, rosemary, fennel, or other (often wild) herbs. Porchetta has been selected by the Italian Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, as one of a list of traditional Italian foods held to have cultural relevance.

Proprietor, Alex Pope, retains this Italian tradition, along with his devotion to locally sourced food products, in this signature dish. Join us as Alex prepares a Slow Roasted Porchetta with Dressed Greens and Truffle Aoli on a Pretzel Bun at The Local Pig.